
Looking to boost your website’s performance? Page load times can be a critical, yet often neglected, factor.

Consider this scenario: You’ve crafted a visually stunning website or online store, but it suffers from sluggish load times. What’s the outcome?

Statistics indicate that impatient visitors may leave and potentially never revisit your store.

– Around 70% of online shoppers say page loading speed influences their purchasing decisions.
– Google’s research reveals a 32% increase in bounce rate when page load times go from 1 to 3 seconds.

Indeed, a swift website can have tremendous benefits for your business. A technique to enhance page speed is to postpone the loading of images until they’re needed. This article explains the concept, benefits, and implementation of this optimization tactic.

Let’s dive in…

Understanding Image Loading on Demand

This approach involves waiting to load website images until they enter the user’s current viewable area.

The viewable area, or viewport, is the portion of the website visible to the user at any given moment, which varies based on device size.

By loading images only as they come into view, server load decreases, resulting in quicker page presentation to users. Next, let’s examine the concrete advantages of implementing this strategy.

The Advantages of Loading Images on Demand

Postponing images that are not yet in view directly affects the First Input Delay (FID) metric of Core Web Vitals, a measure of browser response time to user interactions.

An optimal FID is between 0 to 100 ms, with anything above 300 ms deemed unsatisfactory.

Employing this image handling approach yields several benefits, including:

  • Faster Loading: Naturally, when only the essential images load, page speed enhances significantly.
  • Saved Bandwidth: This technique reduces unnecessary bandwidth use by only downloading a full page’s images when actually viewed by users.
  • Improved Search Rankings: Speed is a ranking factor; quicker sites lead to more traffic and conversions.
  • Enhanced User Experience: With speed being a critical factor in user decisions, a fast site helps retain and satisfy visitors.

Combine Image Delaying with Top-tier Cloud Hosting for Rapid Websites!

Cloudways offers leading technologies like Apache, Nginx, Redis, etc., for website speeds UNMATCHED!

Armed with knowledge about the benefits, let’s explore the how-to’s of implementing this optimization.

Raza Aslam Lakhani

At Cloudways, I harness the digital content spectra. When not innovating content strategies, I’m a wanderlust spirit. I’m also a passionate guitarist and a seeker of profound conversations, constantly on the quest for knowledge.
