
Effective management of the admin email in WordPress is essential for maintaining solid lines of communication and staying informed about site updates, security enhancements, user activities, and more.

It’s the primary contact for all admin-related matters, necessitating its current and accurate state on record.

With an intuitive platform, WordPress accommodates users of all experience levels, offering various ways to update critical settings like the admin email.

Whether you’re new or well-versed in WordPress operations, this guide presents three distinct strategies for updating the admin email, enabling you to select the most comfortable method for your needs.

Reasons to Update the Admin Email Address

It may not seem like a high priority, but modifying the WordPress admin email is pivotal for strengthening site security, ensuring efficient communication, and keeping administrative details clear. Consider the following motives to adjust the admin email:

Enhancing Security

The admin email bears a significant role in account recovery and security alerts. Should it become compromised, risks increase substantially.

Switching to a more secure, regularly monitored email minimizes the threat of unauthorized entry and secures confidential data.

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Migrating to a Professional Email System

Switching from a non-professional to a professional email tied to your domain confers numerous benefits on your WordPress site. This decision adds credibility and delivers enhanced security features.

Consistency During Rebranding

While rebranding, it’s important to update your admin email to stay in line with your new image, ensuring uniformity across all communication channels and embodying the updated brand identity.

Recovering Lost Email Access

Having lost access to the admin email creates unnecessary hurdles and risks. It’s important to regain control swiftly to maintain your site’s security and seamless operation.

Separation from Developers

Should your developer have set up the admin email, swapping it becomes crucial upon taking full charge of the site or ending the collaboration.

Preparations Before Updating Admin Email Address in WordPress

Prior to altering the WordPress admin email, observe these crucial preparatory steps:

  • Verify Administrative Privileges

The new email must hold administrative privileges within WordPress to manage the site effectively.

  • Adjust General Settings Email

From the WordPress dashboard, select “Settings”, move to “General Settings”, and change the “Email Address” field to the new admin email.

  • Reconfigure Notification Plugins or Services

Ensure that all plugins and services connected to the admin email are also updated to continue receiving important alerts and communications without interruption.

Three Methods to Modify WordPress Admin Email

Outlined here are three simplified methods to edit the admin email in WordPress:

Method 1: Update Admin Email via WordPress Dashboard

  • Select “Settings” then “General” from your WordPress dashboard to update the “Administration Email Address” and click “Save Changes”.

Method 2: Implementing Email Change with a Plugin

  • Should you face difficulties adjusting the email in WordPress settings, consider using a dedicated plugin.

Method 3: Edit Admin Email via Cloudways DBMS

  • Login to Cloudways, choose the target application, select Access Details, and use the Database Manager under MySQL Access to modify the “wp_options” and “wp_users” tables as required.

Troubleshooting Admin Email Updates in WordPress

If you encounter issues while updating the admin email, here are some troubleshooting tips:

Activating the Custom SMTP Add-on with Cloudways

Configure Cloudways Elastic Email SMTP Add-on to manage transactional emails from your server with ease.

Step #1

  • Sign into Cloudways, head to the Servers tab, pick your server, click on SMTP in the menu, and opt to Set Your Own SMTP.

Step #2

  • Simply complete the SMTP setup form to align with your application/website configuration.

Just like that, you’re set to go with SMTP on Cloudways.

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Join Cloudways for a secured hosting environment prioritizing your WordPress website’s protection and performance needs.

Final Considerations

Keep in mind that changing the WordPress admin email might cause short-lived disruptions in email correspondence. Yet, you’re equipped with multiple avenues for an effective email transition using either the WordPress environment or directly through the database.

Taking charge of your website’s admin email management fosters both its security and overall effectiveness, ensuring a well-connected and informed WordPress experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q) How to update the WordPress admin email?

A) Go to ‘Settings’ → ‘General’ in your WordPress dashboard and modify the ‘Email Address’ field. Save your changes afterward.

Q) Is it possible to change the WordPress admin email without verification?

A) Yes, by using the ‘Change Admin Email’ plugin, go to ‘Settings’ → ‘General’, add the new email, then save your changes to bypass the normal verification process.

Inshal Ali

Content marketer at Cloudways, Inshal brings technical background and creativity to guide businesses skyward through content that speaks their customer’s language. Outside of work, he’s likely found gaming or on a football field.
